By accepting these terms and making a submission to the FAKE Gotchis collection, you agree to the following terms:
• you are representing yourself as the publisher of the submission;
• you represent that your submission is your original creative work (or, if you have partnered with an artist, that of the artist) and does not infringe the rights of any third party;
• you agree on behalf of yourself and the artist that all intellectual property rights in and to your submission will belong to Pixelcraft Studios upon our receipt of your submission. Pixelcraft Studios and its licensees will be entitled to use your submission for any purposes, including for commercial and promotional purposes and to display the artwork at our discretion;
• Pixelcraft Studios grants you a licence to use your submission in any way both personally and commercially so long as it is not offensive or slanderous in nature;
• you may sell, trade, transfer, gift or burn the NFT(s) accordingly.
Apart from the limited licence granted above, you must not permit others to use your submission for any purpose without the express written consent of Pixelcraft Studios.
When you accept these terms, Pixelcraft Studios grants you and/or the creator of the artwork a limited licence to create and submit an artwork for the sole purpose of submission to Pixelcraft Studios for possible inclusion in minting NFTs on the FAKE gotchis smart contract. If you disagree with these terms, please do not proceed.
Last updated: [10 October 2022]